Professor Gergana PETKOVA, PhD
Head of Japanese Studies Department
Master’s Degree in Japanese Studies, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski ‘(1999); PhD, University of Zurich, Switzerland (2004). Teaches at Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”since 2003. Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(2020~).
Teaches and conducts research in the fields of Japanese Ethnography and Folklore, Classical Japanese Language and Literature, Gender Studies, Methodology of Foreign language Teaching.
Field research and training at: The International Research Center for Japanese Studies / 国際 日本 文化 研究 セ ン タ ー (2014), Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University (2011), Institute of Folklore Studies, Seijo University (2002 , 2007), Soka University (1997-1998).
Member of The European Association for Japanese Studies (2009 –);The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (2014 –);The International Society of Ethnology and Folklore (2015 –);JAWS – Japan Anthropology Workshop (2016 – ).
In 2019 awarded an honorary sign by the Japanese Ambassador M. Watanabe for her contribution to the development of Japanese studies in Bulgaria.
Selected publications:
● Male Characters in the Japanese Fairy Tale – Classification and Analysis, PhD thesis, 2004, Zurich (Sofia: Simolini 2009).
● Етнография на Япония: Осем уводни теми. С., Звезди, 2010. (Ethnography of Japan: Eight introductory themes)
● Домът на чудесата: Символика на традиционната архитектура и интериор в японските вълшебни приказки. С., Звезди, 2011.(The Home of miracles: Symbolism of Traditional Architecture and Interior in Japanese Fairytales)
● Challenges and Perspectives: Japanese Studies in Bulgaria. In Japanese Studies around the World 2015. Kyoto: Nichibunken 2016. pp. 164-173.
● Night and the Japanese Fairy Tale, in Time in Historic Japan, eds. Brigitte Stegger and Raji Steineck, Kronoscope 17, 2017-1. pp. 94-116.
Professor dr. habil. Boyka Tsigova
Master’s Degree in Japanese Philology, Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg (1975). PhD in Japanese Literature (VAK – Higher Attestation Commission, 1991). Associate Professor at the Institute of Literature – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1997). Associate Professor of Japanese Literature and Culture, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2000). Doctor of Philological Sciences/Doctor Habilitatus (VAK, 2003). Professor, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(VAK, 2006).
Teaches at: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(1975-1980, 1993-1994, 1996–), NATFA“ Krustyo Sarafov ”(1992), VFU“ Chernorizets Hrabar ”(1993-1995), Academy of Economics“ D. A. Tsenov ”(1995-2007), National Academy of Art (1995-2001), South-West University“ Neofit Rilski ”(1996-1999), NBU (1999-2000, 2001, 2004). Guest Lecturer at Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan (1991).Works in the field of Japanese classical literature, spiritual and material culture of Japan (Zen Buddhism and Aesthetics, Shinto, Japanese Art, Current Issues of Contemporary Japanese Culture).
Has researched at: 国際交流基金 (Japan Foundation), Tokyo, Japan (1978, 1979, 1991); International Research Center for Japanese Studies / 国際日本文化研究センター, Kyoto, Japan (2002-2003, 2010-2011).Head of the Department of Languages and Cultures of East Asia, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(2005-2010); Head of Department of Languages and Cultures of East Asia (07. 09. 2016 – 01. 04. 2017).
In 2019 awarded an honorary sign by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan for her contribution to the development of Japanese studies in Bulgaria.
In 2019 awarded with Honorary sign Blue Ribbon of Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”
Selected Publications:
● Фушикаден. Напътствия за цветето в НО. С., УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2000. 165 с. (Zeami’s Fushikaden)● Пътят на словото в Япония. За изреченото и написаното през вековете. С., УИ 2006. 179 с.( The Path of Word in Japan)
● Дзен и традиционните японски изкуства. С., УИ 2014. 135 с. (Zen and the Traditional Japanese Arts)
● Драконът в японското изкуство. С., УИ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2016. 214 с. (The Dragon in Japanese art.)
● 異文化の側面:ブルガリアの日本文化観―その理解と日本文芸作品の翻訳をめぐって. In:日本研究 (Nihon Кenkyu), “Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies”. No. 28., Tokyo, Kadokawa shoten, January, 2004., pp. 377-390.
Professor dr.habil. Nako Stefanov
Master’s Degree in Japanese Philology, Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg (1979); PhD in History – Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, (VAK, 1984); Associate Professor of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(VAK, 2000); Doctor of Philosophy (VAK, 2010)
Professor, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(2011); Teaches at: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ” (1992-); PU “P. Hilendarski ”(1994-2017), TU-Sofia (1992-2012), NBU (1992 – 2017).
Works in the fields of history, philosophy, politics, economics, labor relations, innovation, management, geopolitics and others in Japan, China, Korea and the countries of Southeast and South Asia.
Special training/appointments: Tokyo University (1986-1988); at JETRO – Tokyo (1992, 1993, 1994); Kansai Productivity Center, Osaka (1996).
Head of the Department of Languages and Cultures of East Asia, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2010 – 2015).
Supervisor of 3 PhD students; Supervisor of the Master’s program “History and Contemporary Development of East Asian Countries – Japan, China and Korea”.
In 2015 awarded an honorary diploma by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan for his contribution to the development of Japanese studies in Bulgaria.
Selected publications:
● Стефанов Н., Й. Йокояма. Японският модел за фирмено управление. С., Призма (Japanese Model of Firm Management ) 66, 2001. 125 с.
● Иновационно развитие на страните от Източна Азия – Япония, Корея и Китай. С.,Изток-Запад, 2011. 283 с. (Innovative development of East Asian countries – Japan, Korea and China)
● Стефанов Н., Е. Кандиларов. Япония – икономика, технология, иновации и управление. С., Изток-Запад, 2012, 688 с. (Japan – Economics, Technology, Innovation and management)
● Държавно и политическо устройство на Япония. С., Пропелер, 2014, 120 с. (State and Political Structure of Contemporary Japan)
● Енциклопедия Нипоника. С., Пропелер, 2015. 322 с. (Niponica Encyclopedia)
Associate Professor Anton Andreev, PhD |
Master’s Degree in Japanese Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (1995); Master’s degree in Applied Japanese Linguistics, Tohoku University, Japan (2001); Doctor of Japanese Linguistics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”(2012); Associate Professor of Japanese Linguistics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
Teaches at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(2006 -) and works in the field of Japanese applied linguistics, phonetics, phonology, sociolinguistics.
Has studied and done research at 東京 外国語 大学 (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) (1991-1992), 東北 大学 (Tohoku University), Japan (1998-2004), 東京 学 芸 大学 (Tokyo Gakugei University) (2012).
Head of the Department of Languages and Cultures of East Asia, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(2015-2018). Member of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS).
Selected publications:
• Увод във фонетиката и фонологията на съвременния японски език. С., 2014. 160 с. (Introduction to Modern Japanese Phonetics and Phonology)
• Японски фонеми и техните реализации//Годишник на СУ,ФКНФ,2012, N105. стр. 307-316 (Japanese Phonemes and Their Realizations)
• Проблеми на междуморфемното консонантно озвучаване в японския език// Филологията– класическа и нова : Юбилейна научна конференция на Факултета по класически и нови филологии, София, 2016. стр. 83-87. (On Some Aspects of Rendaku// Philology- Classical and Modern: Anniversary Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia, 2016. 83-87.)
• За японските заемки в българския език. В: Съпоставително езикознание, 2016, N1. стр.47-60. (On Japanese Loanwords in Bulgarian. In: Contrastive Linguistics)
• Супрасегментна система в киотския диалект на японски език – между словното ударение и словния тон// Нови направления в синхронната и диахронната фонетика и фонология (Сборник с доклади от международна научна конференция 17 юни 2016 г.)., София, 2017. стр. 147-151. Supra-segmental system in the Kyoto dialect of the Japanese language – between word-accent and and word-tone // New trends in in synchronic and diachronic phonetics and phonology (International Scientific Conference June 17, 2016), Sofia, 2017. p. 147 -151.
Associate Professor Evgeniy Kandilarov, PhD

Bachelor’s degree in Modern and Contemporary History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2002); Master’s degree in History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2003); PhD in History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2007); Assistant at the Institute for Historical Studies, BAS (2013)
Associate Professor of Social Studies of East Asian Countries, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “, Department of Languages and Cultures of East Asia (2016 -) Teaches at Sofia University” St. Kliment Ohridski “(2008 -)
Works in the field of contemporary political, socio-economic and cultural history of Japan, international relations in the East Asia region, relations between the East and the West during the Cold War, relations between Bulgaria and East Asia in the XX and XXI century.
Speciali training/fellowships: 明治. / 政治 経 済 学 (Meiji University, Japan, Tokyo), with a scholarship from Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff Program) (2005); 国際 交流 基金関 西 国際 セ ン タ ー (“Japanese Language Institute, Kansai”, with a scholarship from Japan Foundation (2009); Postgraduate Diploma in “Japanese Language and Culture”, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2009); Institute for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research “Dialogue Europe ” at Sofia University “ St. Kliment Ohridski (2009-2010); 長 岡 技術 科学 大学 Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan (2011); Institute of World History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, PRC (2015); Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, Beijing, China (2015); Institute of World History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, PRC (2016) .
Selected publications:
● България и Япония. От Студената война към ХХІ век. С., „Дамян Яков“, 2009. (Bulgaria and Japan. From the Cold War to the 21st Century)
● Япония. Икономика, технологии, иновации и управление. (съвместно с проф.дфсн Нако Стефанов). С., 2012. стр. 276-307, 313-466. (Japan. Economics, technology, innovation and management)
● Източна Азия и България. С., 2016. 319 с. (East Asia and Bulgaria)
● Японската публична дипломация – еволюция, стратегия и развитие – В: Духовност и морални ценности на Изтока. Сборник с доклади от научна конференция проведена от специалност Японистика в Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ (24 март2017 г.). С. 2017. стр. 162-178. Japanese Public Diplomacy – Evolution, Strategy and Development – In: Spirituality and moral values of the East. Scientific Conference held by Japanese Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “
● Япония и китайският геополитически проект „Един пояс, един път“ – В: Азия и светът –взаимоотношения и взаимодействия – 2016. Сборник с материали от V Национална научна конференция с международно участие (декември, 2016 г.). С., 2017. стр. 24-30.
Japan and China’s one belt, one road geopolitical project – In: Asia and the World -relationships and interactions – 2016. Collection of materials from the V National scientific conference with international participation
Associate Professor Vyara NIKOLOVA, PhD
Master’s Degree in Russian Philology, double major in Ukrainian Language and Literature (1994-1999), Bachelor’s degree in Japanese studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(1998-2003), Master of Business Administration at Sofia University“ St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2002-2004), PhD (Philology, Bibliography and Library Science) at Ivan Fyodorov Moscow State University of Printing Arts, Moscow (2010-2014), Assistant Professor in Contemporary Japanese Literature, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2016 -)
Teaches at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2012-), University of Library Science and Information Technology (2007-), University of National and World Economy (2011-2017).
Works in the field of Japanese literature, practical Japanese, Japanese hieroglyphics.Fellowships: 創 価 大学 (Soka University), Japan (2001-2002); 国際 交流 基金 関 西 国際 セ ン タ ー (The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai), Osaka, Japan (06. 2011 – 08. 2011); 国際 交流 基金 日本語 国際 セ ン タ ー (International Center for Japanese Language in Urawa), Saitama, Japan (05. 2016 – 06. 2016), 国際 交流 基金 関 西 国際 セ ン タ ー (The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai), Osaka, Japan (august 2019)
Selected Publications:
● Кратък преглед на изданията свързани с Япония през последните 25 години (общи тенденции и перспективи за развитие) // Сборник „Бъдещи хоризонти. 25 години. Специалност Японистика в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, София, 2016, стр. 197-216. (A summary of Japan-related publications over the past 25 years: general tendencies and perspectives for Development) // Future Horizons. 25 years Japanese Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Sofia, 2016, pp. 197-216.
● Николова В. В., Иванова К. Езикът като средство за постигане на сътрудничество и културен обмен в студентската общност, София, 2015. Nikolova VV, Ivanova K. Language as a tool for achieving cooperation and cultural exchange in the student community, Sofia, 2015.
● Николова В.В., Петкова Г. Р. Глобализация, европейская языковая рамка и новые тенденции в обучении иностранным языкам (на примере изучения японского языка и культуры) // Социальные и филологические аспекты в образовательном и научном контексте, Киото, 2014, стр. 466-470.
Assistant Professor Stella Zhivkova, PhD
Master’s Degree in Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski (1997). Doctor`s Degree in Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University, Japan (2006). Assistant Professor in Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture. Teaches at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”(2017–).
Works in the field of expressive elements in Japanese culture; phonetic and functional analysis of gitaigo; a mnemonic syllabic system in traditional music for koto; Bunraku Theater, Japan’s traditional Kodo fragrance ceremony; contemporary Japanese culture; political and educational strategies of modern Japan – Cool Japan etc. Teaches courses in the Bachelor and Master Programs of Japanese Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “. Specialized in the Master’s and Doctoral Programs of Osaka University’s Faculty of Humanities (2000-2006).Selected publications:
● Finding Out Who You Are: Enhancing Self-awareness Through Study of Foreign Culture, В “Бъдещи хоризонти – 25 години специалност японистика на Софийския университет „Св.Климент Охридски”, Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски” (2016), pp. 47-55. (Future Horizons – 25 years Japanese Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)
● The Dilemma between “The Odd Man Out” and “The Useful Insider” —Finding One’s Place Under the Sun—, Final Report of the Junior Researchers’ Group at Osaka University Graduate School of Letters, Ministry of Education Sponsored Project „21st Century Interface Humanities“, Osaka University Press (2007), pp.167-183.
● “The Zhiva Voda of Bulgarian Folk Songs: Interfaces in the Genesis of the Festival”, In Osaka University The 21st Century Center of Excellence Program Intefaces Humanities research activities, Vol 7. Modernism and Cntral- and East-European Art and Culture, Osaka University Press (2006), pp. 275-293.
● Figurative Elements in Koto and Bunraku Music and Their Analogues in related Forms of Japanese Culture: Online publication of Symposium Celebrating the Work and Legacy of John Blacking, University of Western Australia, Perth, 12th July-14th July, 2003. Available at:
Available at:
● “Geo Milev : The Fragment” (Translation from Bulgarian), In断片 -『ヴェズニ』(1919-20)- ゲオ・ミレヴ『アヴァンギャルド宣言 中東欧のモダニズム』井口壽乃共編 三元社 2005, pp.222-228.
Assistant Professor Tsvetomira Ivanova, PhD

Bachelor’s Degree in Japanese Studies, Sofia University “St. Cl. Ohridski “(2002); Master’s Degree in Virtual Culture, Sofia University” St. Kl. Ohridski ”(2004); PhD, Hitotsubashi University, Japan (2010)
Assistant Professor of Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture (2018–) at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “(2015–)
Works in the field of e-learning at a Japanese company, the Japanese job market, Japanese and Korean corporate culture; teaches practical Japanese. Teaches compulsory and elective courses in the bachelor’s program of Japanese studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “.
Special trainings, fellowships: Hitotsubashi University, Japan (2006-2010), Pai Chai University, Korea (2010-2011), Soka University (2002), Japan
Selected publications:
Ivanova, T. (2009). The Attitude of Companies Toward e-learning Aimed at New Hires: The Case of Twelve Large Japanese companies. International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management. 17(SP3), 18.1-18.9.
Ivanova, T. (2011). E-learning: An Organizational Definition Concept. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE). 1(3). Online.
Sanggun Lee, Tsvetomira Ivanova (2011). The Effect of Service Recovery Justice on Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention in Hotels. Journal of Foodservice Management Society of Korea. 3(1), 53-73.
Sanggun Lee, Tsvetomira Ivanova (2011). The Effects of Social Capital on Organizational Commitment – Case of Korea’s Super Deluxe Hotels. Вісник ДІТБ. Вестник ДИТБ. DITB’s Bulletin. ПВНЗ «Донецький інститут туристичного бізнесу». Touirism Economy and Organization. 2011(15), 236-241.
Doctoral Dissertation:· Ivanova, T. (2010). E-learning Aimed at New Hires in Japanese companies. Hitotsubashi University Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (August 19, 2011) Language: EnglishISBN-10: 3639370368 ISBN-13: 978-3639370362
Assistant Professor Martin DIMITROV, PhD

Bachelor’s Degree in Japanese Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2012); Master’s Degree in History of East Asia, Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2014); PhD in Modern and Contemporary World History (History of Russia), Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2018).
Assistant professor of Japanese History at Japanese Studies Department, “Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2020 -)Teaches and conducts research in the fields of Japanese History, Foreign Relations of Japan, Russo/Soviet-Japanese Relations; History of East Asia; Japanese Martial Arts; Japanese Language.Member of the European Association for Japanese Studies (2018 -).
Trainings and fellowships: Kokushikan University, Tokyo (2010); University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta (2016); Lomonosov Moscow State University (2017); Meiji University, Tokyo (2017-2018).Selected publications:
USSR and Japan 1945-1960. The role of diplomacy for the restoration of diplomatic relations, PhD thesis, 2018;
The Russian-Japanese Territorial Dispute through the Lens of International Law, In: Collection of Articles from the 5th International Scientific Conference on Asian Studies in Sofia University, Sofia 2017;
The Japanese Intervention in the Russian Civil War as a Factor in Soviet-Japanese Relations and a Stage in the Development of Japanese Militarism, In: ALMANACH VIA EVRASIA, 2016;
The Soviet factor in the Japanese surrender in World War II, In: Collection of Articles from the 3rd International Scientific Conference on East Asian studies in Sofia University, Sofia 2014.
Assistant ProfessorNikolay BAKALOV

Master of Laws, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridski” (2007), Master of Laws (Comparative Law), Nagoya University (2007), Doctor of Laws (Comparative Law), Nagoya University (2020).
Assistant professor at Japanese Studies Department, Sofia Univesrity “St. Kliment Ochridski” (2020).
Areas of interest: Japanese law (Social security law, Civil Law, Japanese legal culture, Interaction between law and society), Japanese grammar and Translation from Japanese language.